7 Question's for CEOs in 2024
2023 was a discombobulating flash-bang of uncertainty and chaos. A lot of good came from it too. Forging through darkness, we also created some order. There is more to do with regards raising our general collective intelligence in areas that really matter to us as humans.
2024 will be about focus, smarter use of resources & relentless bias-to-action.
I've framed my top 7 Mega Q's that senior leaders are grappling with NOW/NEXT.
These apply to organisations, spouses, parents, brothers/ sisters, and communities:
1. How have you embedded capabilities that help you adapt to #geopolitical scenarios ahead of the curve, with greater prediction accuracy and execution for sustained #advantage?
2. How are you adapting your model/ vision of leadership #behaviours #energies for a new order? How do you nurture and codify/ embed #cognitive #diversity and human assets for differentiation? #adaptability #resilience #betterexperiences
3. How are you transforming HR into becoming a more human asset (Human Intelligence vs Resource) rooted in energy, vitality, AQ/ EQ and high impact?
Automation continues to zero-in on culling high-touch low-value work, freeing up time/ energy for greater quality and meaning. More creative destruction is still required e.g. voluntary declarations in job apps which become compulsory if you want to click submit, replete with irrelevant questions on veteran status for non-US residents, often extracting personal data that most organisations can't find the time to scrape/ use anyway.
Plenty of opportunity for optimising the holistic human, not just the worker-bee. (human #agency)
4. Are you leading the race in digital (#tech #ai) to adapt your business models, product architectures and pricing aligned to shifts in customer/ supply forces? How are you evolving your lifetime value incl. brand equity? #morehuman #customercentric
5. How are you thinking about #sustainable #equitable, #profitablehashtag #growth? Grow the pie, combat inequality, equitable shares/ incentives for risk/ effort? Funding evaporated in 2023, not entirely a bad thing. This will separate the wheat #antifragile from the chaff #fragilistas.
2023's winners (Top 20 CPGs) also followed the tech-sector playbook of high debt, rapid growth & cheap acquisition of existing commodities, repurposed + traded at higher margins. #moats
6. Future of Meaningful Work: Attracting/ retaining assets who want to work/ who understand that purpose goes beyond fuzzball 'n free beer, tapping into fundamental human drivers that make us love Mondays #ikigai #growth #learning
7. How are you designing for better decisions through complexities of rising sea levels in real-time data - in a polarised multi-modal world of growth - transforming ways of working/ thinking to navigate reality distortion fields and to mitigate #inflation #costofliving #supplychainrisk for #trust #transparency?
Wishing you a Happy New Year!