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Writer's picture: Andrew SoteriouAndrew Soteriou

''We rise by lifting others'' ~ Robert Ingersoll

During my yoga teacher training I asked my fellow teachers what morning rituals they followed to help them set up and win the day. I know I'm not the only person to say that the first 60-90 minutes of the day enable the right 'attitude' and posture for the day. Being an early riser doesn't just mean you get a mental head start over others, but it also allows us time to meditate, to reflect and focus the mind, to do things that change the physiology of the brain and body and in doing so, we trigger Flow. Flow, or being 'in the zone' is that peak performance state where you feel your best and you perform at your best. Flow is a prime state that anyone can achieve to unlock accelerated learning, increased focus and higher performance.

I've studied the morning rituals of some of the greatest; from Sir Clive Woodward, Anthony Robbins, Tim Ferris, Naval Admiral William McRaven of U.S Special Ops and head of JSOC (Joint Special Ops Command), Marcus Aurelius (Meditations), Sir Richard Branson and 100+ interviewees ranging from yogi's to management consultants, clients and my own tribe of friends and family. I've trialled and tested what works for me. I spent the first part of this year applying these insights in Dubai, often waking at 04:30 to meditate, write my morning pages, run and then swim in the sea, often amongst schools of brilliant sardines and glistening fish - wow, such a rush - before our team briefing at 07:00 in the hotel. Working long consulting days meant often starting at 07:00 and ending at 23:00. The pace was relentless and my morning routine helped me to run harder and stay more focused through the day, concentrating into the evenings, when my colleagues, who may read this, started dipping off. Our very experienced leader would often comment on this. I hope he reads this :)

Living in hot countries I used to like waking up at 04:30 to 05:00, walk outside onto the grass and letting my feet 'ground me' into the earth. The feeling of the grass and the morning dew, listening to the Hadeda's and birdsong, watching the sun rise almost every day, changes my physiology for the day.

London living presents its own challenges. The energy is different; 'grounding into the earth' might take a slightly different form. Instead of birdsong we have sirens and trains and overhead planes flying their approach into Heathrow, often directly overhead. There's a different energy and its noticeable. To avoid spending too much time in our heads and eventual burnout, state priming requires a mindful focus, practiced as part of a habit forming daily ritual. By state priming I refer to unlocking optimal flow states, where you switch off the prefrontal cortex - the brain's inner critic - and in doing so we unlock optimal performance states.

Creating flow, or being in 'the zone' sparks creativity and performance. In flow, parts of the brain are actually slowing down. Transient hypo frontality means we shut down the prefrontal cortex - the part that houses the higher cognitive functions. One of the most prominent of these functions; the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, is the part of your brain that houses the inner critic.

Depending on the altered state, the nagging defeatist 'always on' voice in your head is shut down; we are liberated, creativity goes up, risk taking goes up and we feel amazing.'' - Steve Kotler, Author and CoFounder, Flow Genome Project

When in Flow, your creative problem solving abilities can spike by up to 400 percent. Flow is increasingly becoming the focus of neuroscientists and ultra performance leaders and coaches.

Being in flow reduces 'stuckness' or reduced performance, and understanding this is gold dust for any emotionally intelligent leader wishing to coach her teams to ultra performance where they come alive and begin to hum.

From start-up entrepreneurs to special operatives in the military to management consultants, writers, artists and elite athletes. Flow is the human equivalent of what electricity is to the Model S. It Supercharges the mind and body through the hustle and bustle and autopilot humdrum of everyday life. Setting up my day for a win is all about creating FLOW.

These are my top FLOWSTARTERS, or morning rituals:

  1. Rise and shine. Make your bed (<3 mins) ''If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another. By the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. No matter how shitty your day, you can make your bed. There's at least one thing I've controlled. It's hard for me to overstate how important this ritual has become, but number one: Make your bed.'' - Admiral W. McRaven on Seal Training.

  2. Drink a glass of lemon water (500ml) Warm lemon water is just a perfect drink to start your day. To fully reap the benefits of lemon, drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes before breakfast. Lemon water protects against rheumatoid arthritis due to its vitamin C content, improves digestion with the production of bile, cleanses the colon flushing out toxins, improves lymphatic system by hydrating it and providing essential nutrients, improves oral health by keeping bad breath at bay. The acidity of lemon cleanses the mouth activating salivary glands. It also tastes pretty awesome; simple and so refreshing. Or...

  3. Drink a glass of kefir/ kombucha (2 mins) if you suffer from ulcers/ reflux issues. Game changer. Because homemade kefir contains beneficial bacteria and yeast, it supports digestion and the health of the digestive tract. A 2013 study published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology found the therapeutic effects of traditional kefir to include antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, a positive impact on the G.I. tract, anti-carcinogenic potential, and overall immune stimulation benefits, among others. Beneficial bacteria manufacture nutrients like biotin, folate, and vitamin K2.5 These are nutrients that protect our cells from damage, nourish the brain, and support the skeletal system. Like any fermented food, kefir introduces beneficial microbes to the gut that compete for resources.

  4. Eat a clove of fresh garlic (1 min). Garlic is a prebiotic and boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, prevents hapatitis, protects your liver, fights hair loss (Tim Ferris missed this one on his morning routine), prevents erectile dysfunction and wards off cancer. It tends to ward people off too so swallow it whole and don't eat raw if you have an ulcer/ suffer from acid reflux.

  5. Exercise. Run, walk, swim, dance, lift, vinyasa, cycle, do anything with reps (>20-30 mins) I love to run and bike to music. My 'FlowJams' and playlists are on Spotify. Yoga and running are my best flow triggers when I'm alone. Walking and talking is indescribably powerful when there's more than just me. Sex can also alter flow states, boost oxytocin and provide mood boosting benefits.

  6. Yoga/ meditate/ breathing techniques (10-30 mins). The game changers. I'm a convert and decided to learn the teachings of yoga and meditation for one simple reason. It transforms lives. Yoga came to me like a big warm fluffy loving hug at 2 existential crisis points in my life. I also worked in a London based yoga studio and experienced first hand the transformational power and growth that yoga has to offer. It's not just about flexibility. Recent developments in FMRi and brain imaging technology are only just beginning to allow neuroscience to catch up to being able to calibrate the mental, physical and emotional superpowers conferred by regular yoga (flow) and meditation practice. By regular I would say minimum 2-3 1-1,5 hr Vinyasa Flow or Rocket sessions per week.

  7. Morning pages or the 5GJ's (5 minute gratitude journal) Writing, as opposed to reading, is an active pursuit. Loaded with action and execution, it forces me to put my thoughts and all the noise in my head onto a page. In her book, The Artists Way, Julia Cameron speaks of writing 3 pages of longhand writing, 'strictly stream-of-consciousness'. They're not supposed to sound clever. Only you will read them. Write about anything that comes to mind. I find I tend to write about what I am grateful for. She calls the 3 pages 'the spiritual windshield wipers'. ''Once we get those muddy, maddening confusing thoughts (the nebulous worries, jitters and preoccupations) on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.'' Morning pages are the most cost effective form of therapy and flow-creation I have ever tried. The gratitude journal is another game changer. Starting every day with a few things you're grateful for, and share these with others. I've been contributing to a social media group that shares what they are grateful for every day. Sharing with others acts as a sort of fire-starter. It's amazing how contagious this is. Acknowledge others, those to whom you are grateful, for this makes for one of life's happiness or 'Lykke' builders. 'I am grateful for ...' is a good way to start your gratitude journal. Or just say it out loud. Journaling on 'what would make today great' or affirmations around 'I am...' are game changers too.

  8. Cold showers or ice baths! (after workout or when waking up) If I could only choose 3 morning rituals because of time pressures, this would be one of them. No incremental resource required for disproportionate bang. I use this to fire up my physiology. When the water is really really cold, like as in the middle of a European winter col, I repeat the following words out loud to myself. ''Let's Go Champ!!'' and then focus on stilling myself in the shower under the cold water, turning my focus to my breathing to slow everything down until I can feel my lungs relax from the panic. Check out Wim 'The Ice Man' Hof while you're at it.

Own your morning rituals. What works for you? These are my own tried and tested rituals and you may have some of your own. What are they? Are you a teeth puller? Do you drink Bulletproof Coffee, Titanium Tea? Are you a dog walker? Horse rider? Musician?

What gets you going in the morning; what's your warrior muti?




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