South Africa has a pricing and positioning problem and opportunity.
The people who are working on pricing and positioning are either compromised (on the take or incompetent) or they might be consultants like PwC who have extracted wealth and resources from Africa at an unprecedented rate.
In relative terms, South Africans have some powerful advantages; access to natural resources, food, water, etc. Also languages, innovation, diversity, energy, youthfulness, entrepreneurial hustle; they have shedloads of it. Why is the country not dominating on the world stage?
Jobs to be done around energy, and that counts for everyone; they might just be closer to adaptation or at least adapting to a workaround to what comes next in the energy wars than most.
Then focus on building better ‘ex-factory’ prices and positioning. Leadership in politics today is as much ‘optics’ or spin as it is delivering value. They need to do both well. Their access to fresh food, minerals and water makes the country a strategic asset of the future. One that is worth appreciating, valuing, safeguarding and pricing accordingly.
And, as any good business or trusted player would do; they need to become self-resilient but turn or add value in an ecosystem, adopting a stance around being ‘open for business’ to help self-select those who are not (and cycle through these to find high value partners).
Never put all your eggs in one basket.