There are going to be times when you enter a space that doesn’t welcome you with open arms.
In almost every industry, people receive less support, and experience #double#standards, #microaggressions, and #unconscious#bias, making it much more difficult to advance careers in rank and pay.
You observe things from a special vantage point when you live in a world and work in an industry that was built to hold you back. The perspective and biases of people who have never questioned their right to take up space or fought to be heard, becomes obvious.
This kind of discrimination needs to be addressed at the #institutional, #organizational, and #leadership levels first. It is their problem AND ours. #followership
Nonetheless, when you are trying to excel inside of these environments, it’s a lot to go up against.’’
But there is another side, a more private one, that lives in me too.
And while I consider my background one of many blessings, and am grateful for the doors that have opened for me, I’ve also faced a great deal of discrimination throughout my career as a result of who I am and where I come from.
We tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the prestige and resources belonging to elite institutions and how they make us better off. I've made an extraordinary life from studying the limits of those material advantages and disadvantages - relative to one’s own strengths and weaknesses - and then differentiating on that for a competitive edge in sport, life and business.
You could change your name? Perhaps become more like them? Speak their language, even a regional dialect. But is the juice in this game really worth that much of a squeeze?
And at what point is enough, enough? ‘’
#racial #gender #social #engineering #discrimination #HR #wormholes #whitecollarissues #leadership#styles #softishard #skills #futureofwork #mental #health #sacrifice #cost #belonging #connection #adaptable #ecosytems #cognitivediversity #equitable #growth #impact #mindset #stance
